The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2007-08-18 Equanimity: Freedom In The World 59:19
Gina Sharpe
Taking the practice into activity in the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center People of Color Meditation Retreat

2007-08-15 Freedom Of The Mind: A Path Towards Healing 58:22
Larry Yang
The Five Hindrances and the experience of cultural trauma.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center People of Color Meditation Retreat

2007-08-15 The Spiritual Faculties 51:01
Tony Bernhard
A review of the Five Spiritual Faculties/powers.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2007-08-13 Gratitude I 1:29:19
Mark Coleman
This talk describes the quality of gratitude, the blessing of gratitude and how we can cultivate and practice this essential quality on the path.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2007-08-01 The Path Of The Bodhisattva - part 4 and the Vow Ceremony 58:09
Donald Rothberg
We review the nature of the Bodhisattva, in its archetypal expression, its manifestation in extraordinary and ordinary human exemplars, and in ourselves. We focus on the qualities of wisdom and skillful action especially and end with a short ceremony in which the participants develop their own version of the Bodhisattva, and express some of them publicly.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2007-07-30 Sacred Journey 57:57
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2007-07-28 The Ecology Of Compassion 64:40
Kamala Masters
Understanding the terrain of compassion in our inner life in relationship to the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Vipassana Retreat

2007-07-26 Understanding Insight: Dukkha And Anatta 61:30
Steve Armstrong
Insight or the dawning realization of the three common characteristics rests on the continuity of mindful awareness. They offer the understanding of how to live at ease with all conditions and to do well in life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Vipassana Retreat

2007-07-25 The Path Of The Bodhisattva - part 3 56:33
Donald Rothberg
After an overview of the Bodhisattva path, and of the perfections of vow – intention, patience, and meditations, we look at the perfections of wisdom and skillful action. We end with an experiential exercise designed to a different situation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2007-07-23 Resting The Mind Before It Falls Into Extremes 58:55
Kamala Masters
Equanimity supports clarity of understanding through a spacious, balanced and calm mind. It leads the way for compassionate action that can be powerfully effective because it is free from aversion and attachment.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Vipassana Retreat

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