The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-03-07 Fear & Fearlessness 55:51
Tara Brach
Understanding the trance of fear and the practices that free our heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-03-04 Exploring Balanced Effort 51:58
Sharda Rogell
How do we practice effort that is directed towards freedom from suffering and brings us emotional strength and balance? How do we awaken "natural effort" that leads to effortlessness?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-03-03 Right View: The Seeing That Frees Us 49:08
Anna Douglas
How practice radically shifts our view to realize the inherent freedom of our true nature.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-03-01 Entrusting Ourselves To The Waves 48:35
Tara Brach
Strategies for learning to directly touch the waves of experience while remembering the love and openness of our true nature.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-02-21 Sudden Awakening, Gradual Cultivation: The Purification Process 60:34
James Baraz
Although freedom is found in the moment, there is a continual process of purifying the heart and mind. This process is discussed including facing our fears, deepening our commitment, learning to love ourselves while seeing through our sense of self, culminating in practice being our gift to the world.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-02-16 Identity Crisis 69:56
Wes Nisker
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-02-16 Trusting Your Buddha-Knowing 60:23
James Baraz
The source of our awakening is right inside us. As we learn to listen deeply to the wisdom and purity of heart that is connected to the truth we are following the Buddha's instructions to be "be a lamp unto yourself."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-02-14 Desire, Eros, And Love 65:04
Jack Kornfield
Valentine Day talk on love, relationships,& sexuality.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-02-12 Gladness Of The Wholesome - Awakening Joy 60:21
James Baraz
The Buddha spoke of maintaining and increasing wholesome states as an integral part of Right Effort. In this talk we explore why this is important and how to incline the mind to experience what he called "gladness connected with the wholesome."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-02-06 Seeing In A New Way 61:19
Sylvia Boorstein
This talk highlights the way in which Mindfulness leads to direct seeing of the Four Noble Truths and the Three Characteristics. It particularly includes Nyavaponeba Their's description of the functions of Mindfulness as outlined in "The Vision of Dhamma".
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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