The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2008-06-11 Security In Awareness 63:25
Ajahn Sumedho
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-11 This Is Not The Ideal 65:57
Ajahn Sumedho
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-11 Evening Chanting In Pali 13:36
Ajahn Candasiri
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-10 History Of Zero 65:45
Ajahn Sumedho
Reflections on Sakkayaditthi personality view.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-10 Metta For All Conditions 61:28
Ajahn Sumedho
Contemplating Metta as unconditional love and acceptance.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-09 Happiness And The Way Of The Bodhisattva 62:45
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2008-06-09 The God Of Deathlessness 50:57
Ajahn Sumedho
Awareness and Belief systems. Personality view as a limitation, a fetter.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-09 The Point That Includes 63:11
Ajahn Sumedho
A wide-ranging talk about many aspects of Buddhist practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-08 Unenlightened Personalities 1:10:22
Ajahn Sumedho
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

2008-06-08 Me, Ajahn Sumedho, Center Of The Universe 60:03
Ajahn Sumedho
A talk on the delusion of Sakkayaditthi, personality view, and its relationship to the three cravings. The talk also includes some instruction on the sound of silence.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monastic Retreat

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