The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2006-10-23 Balance Of Energy And Equanimity 52:27
Diana Winston
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-10-16 Eight-Fold Path 36:21
Jack Kornfield
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-10-11 Equanimity and Action: Further Practice With the Eight Worldly Winds 48:12
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-10-04 Practicing With the Eight Worldly Winds 57:22
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-10-04 Five Difficult Mind States 60:01
Sharda Rogell
When we are identified with these five mind states they are called hindrances to seeing the way things actually are. Each one is explored along with skillful antidotes to help overcome them.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-09-27 The Eight Worldly Winds 57:09
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-09-25 Gratification, Danger and Escape 56:36
Kevin Griffin
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-09-09 The Buddha's Prescription For Happiness: Seven Factors Of Enlightenment 62:11
James Baraz
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment are mindfulness, investigation, energy, joy, calm, concentration and equanimity. When brought to fruition they lead to the highest happiness we can experience. How can we cultivate these qualities consciously in our meditation practice and in our life?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-09-01 Dukka And Its End 51:24
Sharda Rogell
Every moment is a revelation of the Four Noble Truths. What kind of suffering do we have influence over? Once we deeply understand the nature of impermanence, freedom from suffering is close at hand.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2006-08-30 Work As Spiritual Practice 33:57
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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