The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2005-09-23 Inquiry 2 1:11:19
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-09-22 What Is An Opinion? What Is Truth? 55:28
Christopher Titmuss
We may have similar and dissimilar views, but truth enters into a situation and transforms it.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-09-21 Working With Judgments 2 58:40
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-09-21 Inquiry 1 62:54
Christopher Titmuss
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-09-20 Love, Not Lovingkindness 55:34
Christopher Titmuss
Metta is love free from dependency on connection. Love explores family, service, intimacy, nature and creativity. It is a force for change in perception.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-09-14 Working With Judgments 1 59:22
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-09-05 A Labor of Love: a Dialogue 64:49
Jack Kornfield, Wes Nisker
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-09-05 Aligning Our Life With The Dharma 1:12:39
James Baraz
This closing talk from a silent retreat points to the integration of our practice in daily life, with mindfulness as the golden thread that runs through all things.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-09-02 Embracing The Hindrances: An Illogical Happiness 58:31
Sharda Rogell
Our mind moves to manipulate our experiences to find a way to be happy. When we stop and embrace our experience, even when difficult, this present attention opens us to our deeper nature.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2005-08-24 By Not Clinging To Views 47:52
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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