The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2022-02-28 A Peaceful Heart In A Time Of War And The Legacy Of Thich Nhat Hanh | Monday Night Talk 54:40
Jack Kornfield
Tonight I had planned to talk about Thich Nhat Hanh, the great and wise Zen master and teacher who died recently at age 95. But it seems critical to also acknowledge the grief of the war in Ukraine. As it says in the Buddhist teachings (and in other wisdom teachings), in this world, hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed. There has to be a better game than war for human beings. We have to look at the war within ourselves as well. Thich Nhat Hanh’s instruction was to stop—stop making enemies. Make prayers. Make blessings. This is our moral task.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-02-28 Introduction to Metta and Guided Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 44:33
Greg Scharf
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-02-28 Morning Instructions: Intimacy with Experience (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 69:17
Andrea Fella
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-02-27 Guided Metta Part 3 45:25
Kristina Bare
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-02-27 First Morning Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 60:00
Winnie Nazarko
This is the initial sitting meditation instruction for a month long retreat. It supports people in settling in, finding the body and its sensations, and identifying a primary object/anchor.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Insight Meditation One Month Retreat

2022-02-25 The Three Trainings to be in the Stream of Freedom (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 65:45
Tempel Smith
Sariputta equated the stream of liberation to being the very same 8 fold path of the Buddha's main teachings. The 8 fold path can be summed up as the three higher trainings: training in Sīla, Samādhi, and Pañña. To stay in the stream which only flow in one direction - liberation - we only need to embrace Sīla (ethical attunement), Samādhi (cultivating beautiful aspects of heart), and Pañña (living with wise perspective). Whether you wear robes on the outside of your body or if you are a lay person, we want to ordain our hearts to wear the inner robes of Sīla, Samādhi, and Pañña.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

2022-02-25 Reflection & Instructions on Vedana 54:53
Kristina Bare
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

2022-02-24 Your Practice is Not Just for You 60:30
James Baraz
Your practice affects everyone around you. When you see your practice in this wider context, it evokes a whole dimension of inspiration and “joyful responsibility“ to cultivate wisdom and compassion within us. In this world with so much suffering—including the climate crisis and injustice in the world—more than ever we need to keep this in mind and see ourselves as “bodhisattvas in training“.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

2022-02-23 Ne stressez pas! (Don't make things more complicated.) 1:27:54
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-02-22 Guided Equanimity with Nature (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:23
Tempel Smith
To find equanimity within us we can reflect on how we naturally feel when in nature. We rarely judge nature or get rigidly stuck on our preferences. We can see a young sapling, a mature tree, a much older tree, and a fallen tree. We can see rabbits and coyotes, insects and birds who eat them. We let nature have its changing seasons. From these reflections we can find the open heart of caring equanimity, just wishing for respectful contact with the truth. Can we bring this to the human realm?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat

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