Dharma Talks
given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Trusting Your Buddha Knowing
James Baraz
With so many instructions and ways to practice, how do we know which is the "right one"? Similarly, with all decisions we need to make in our lives, how can we access the wisdom right inside?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
February Insight Meditation Retreat: A Retreat for Experienced Students with James Baraz, Sally Armstrong, Kamala Masters, Andrea Fella, Dawn Scott, Bob Stahl, PhD, Louije Kim and Martha "Rasika" Link
Practicing with Vedana or feeling tone
Sally Armstrong
Every experience has the quality of being pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral. When we can bring mindfulness to this aspect of the experience, we have the potential of not falling into greed, aversion, or delusion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
February Insight Meditation Retreat: A Retreat for Experienced Students with James Baraz, Sally Armstrong, Kamala Masters, Andrea Fella, Dawn Scott, Bob Stahl, PhD, Louije Kim and Martha "Rasika" Link
Seeing the World with the Heart of Wisdom | Monday Night talk
Jack Kornfield
We have the capacity to be awake and to see the world as it is with a graciousness and an understanding.
As the poet Mary Oliver writes, "To live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go."
This is our dance, our human incarnation: to tend and love that which is ephemeral.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Meditation: Loving Awareness | Monday Night
Jack Kornfield
The freedom of loving awareness is available; it just takes practice for you to remember it, and to trust that it is always here. When you feel lost, stuck in a tiny part of the big picture, contracted, or caught up, take a breath and visualize yourself stepping back. With a spacious mind, you can witness even these contracted states and hold them in loving awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center