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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2016-12-03 Guided Practice: Resting in the Field of Awareness 45:40
Susie Harrington
Spirit Rock Meditation Center From Mindfulness Breath to Radiant Mind

2016-12-02 The Journey of Practice, and the Art of Staying 67:02
Heather Martin
Some of the beacons in the unfolding of Heather's practice journey, and the deep trust that grows when we are able to stay with our direct experience.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart

2016-12-02 Forgiveness Practice 0:00
James Baraz
(Recording not available) 
Forgiveness towards self (body, mind, heart). Asking and extending forgiveness with another.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart

2016-12-01 From Samadhi (Concentration) and Insight Practice to Awakened Awareness 66:08
Donald Rothberg
We first explore further the "three ways of seeing that free" (examining the "three characteristics" of phenomena), with particular emphasis on a practically-based overview of anatta (not-self). We then see how samadhi practice and insight practice develop, as they progress, toward a third mode of practice--opening to "awakened awareness" or "radiant mind." We look at the nature of awakened awareness, and point to several practical methods of accessing awakened awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center From Mindfulness Breath to Radiant Mind

2016-12-01 Love, Serve, Remember = Non-Greed, Non-Hatred, Non-Delusion 65:13
James Baraz
The three sources of true happiness are the same no matter what the spiritual tradition.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart

2016-12-01 A Guided Meditation on Passive Friendliness 24:36
Heather Martin
A guided session. We can forget that there's a whole range of qualities of friendliness that are non-doing or passive. Listening, caring, empathizing, respecting, allowing, appreciating, honoring and more.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart

2016-11-30 Radiating Metta 25:56
Erin Selover
Spirit Rock Meditation Center From Mindfulness Breath to Radiant Mind

2016-11-30 Concentration and Insight 59:15
Erin Selover
This talk gives a general overview of practice, follow up thoughts from the previous night's talk on samadhi, and an introduction to the process of orienting perception towards change and dukkha.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center From Mindfulness Breath to Radiant Mind

2016-11-30 Mind-Mind and Heart-Mind 62:53
Heather Martin
Their respective functions and how integrating them brings real well being.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart

2016-11-30 Samadhi: Practice Instructions 3: Working with Intentions, Working with Challenges in Practice 41:01
Donald Rothberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center From Mindfulness Breath to Radiant Mind

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