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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2016-12-07 The Calling of the Bodhisattva in Our Times 65:26
Donald Rothberg
We explore the contemporary need for a new kind of Bodhisattva, one dedicated both to awakening and to helping others. We examine the Bodhisattva's resonance with the indigenous shaman and the Jewish and Christian prophets, and identify some of the qualities and capacities in which the contemporary Bodhisattva trains.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2016-12-06 Freedom from the Inner Critic 53:51
Mark Coleman
What is the inner critic and how does it impact our mind, heart and practice. This talk describes how the critic manifests and the many strategies we can use to find freedom in relation to it.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love: Metta and Qigong Retreat

2016-12-06 Tempel Smith - Spirit Rock Day 1: Morning Sit with Instructions 33:37
Tempel Smith
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love: Metta and Qigong Retreat

2016-12-05 Spirit Rock, Richard Shankman. Monday Night Dharma Talk 2:09:10
Richard Shankman
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2016-12-04 Spirit Rock, Guided Meditation: 12 Fold Breathing & Yin Breathing with Manuela Mischke-Reeds 64:53
Heather Sundberg
Recording #4, Guided Meditation: 12 Fold Breathing & Yen Breathing
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2016-12-04 Spirit Rock, Guided Meditation: 10 Point Body Scan Lying Down Practice: taught by Manuela Mischke-Reeds. 60:58
Heather Sundberg
Session #3, Awakening through the Body taught by Manuela Mischke-Reeds
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2016-12-04 Spirit Rock, Embodied Awakening in Difficult Times: Opening Story & Teaching 28:13
Heather Sundberg
Session #1 of daylong Awakening through the Body
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2016-12-04 Spirit Rock, Teaching & Guided Practice: 1st Foundation of Mindfulness & Mindfulness of the Nervous System 16:57
Heather Sundberg
Session #2, Awakening through the Body
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

2016-12-03 Connecting Mind and Heart: Awakening Joy 1:15:13
James Baraz
The Dalai Lama says: "The purpose of life is to be happy." This practice leads to true happiness. It starts with the mind intending to awaken the heart and all the goodness within us.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart

2016-12-03 Guided Unbounded Metta Meditation 41:20
Heather Martin
Contacting our tenderness, through some sweet little stories, and then allowing that heart quality to expand everywhere, in all directions excluding nothing and no being at all.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Connecting Mind and Heart

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